Capabilties of the Nutrient Analysis Lab
The Nutrient Analysis Lab has the ability and infrastructure to perform the following analyses:
- Elemental analysis of major nutrients and metals by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. Microwave digestion and digestion blocks are available for use.
- Simultaneous analysis of ammonia, ortho-phosphate, nitrate, and nitrite from water samples, soil extracts, and plant tissues by a multi-channeled flow-through Lachat system.
- Total Kjedahl nitrogen analysis of water samples, soil extracts, and plant tissues using a flow-through Lachat system. Associated digestions blocks are available for use.
- Other colorimetric analyses by microplate reader. These include ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, silica, chloride, and ureides, among others.
- Total nitrogen and total phosphorus analysis of plant tissues using a dual channel flow-through system. Digestion manifolds are available.
- Carbon analysis of water samples and soil extracts by catalytic oxidative combustion using a Total Organic Carbon analyzer.